Tarot Cards

Welcome to Tarot Guiding, your gateway to a world of guidance and insight through the ancient wisdom of tarot. We believe that everyone has the power to connect with their intuition and make informed choices, and our free tarot readings are designed to empower you to do just that. We are passionate about helping people navigate life’s challenges and discover their true potential.

Our mission is to make tarot readings accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or financial situation. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to experience the transformative power of tarot, and we are committed to providing high-quality readings that are both insightful and empowering.

Our Values

  • Accuracy: We strive to provide accurate and reliable readings that resonate with our clients’ experiences and beliefs.
  • Intuition: We believe in the power of intuition and encourage our clients to connect with their inner wisdom during their readings.
  • Empowerment: We aim to empower our clients to make informed decisions and take control of their lives.

Make sure you read our Terms of Usage before using our readings.

Our Services

We offer a variety of free card readings and oracles, including:

  • Single-card readings: These brief readings provide quick insights into current situations and provide guidance for the day ahead.
  • Three-card readings: These readings offer deeper insights into specific areas of your life, such as love, career, or finances.
  • Celebration readings: Celebrate special moments in your life with a tarot reading that honors your personal milestones.
  • Themed readings: Explore specific topics that are relevant to your life, such as relationships, health, or spirituality.


We invite you to join our learning community of tarot enthusiasts and share your experiences with us. We believe in the power of collective learning and support, and we are always eager to connect with others who share our passion for tarot.

Thank you for visiting Tarot Guiding. We are honored to be your guide on your tarot journey.