Morning Glow is positive divination based on interpretations of cards by Doreen Virtue. The morning hours before the beginning of the working day are the most suitable time for it. This time is not called “positive” for nothing; ​​people say that it literally radiates light and goodness, attracting only positive things into our lives.
You won’t find a single scary, gloomy, or negative card in this reading! To start this online fortune-telling, you only need to focus on a given question, visualize the event you are interested in or ask what today will be like, and then choose 2 cards from the deck below.
The first of the cards suggests what will be the general mood of your day, and the second will “show” you how you can achieve maximum success.
Your reading...

- What will be the general mood of your day
- How to achieve maximum success
If you’re looking for a more specific reading, check out our other readings:
Love Angels: This Love Angels reading is a gateway to the mystical world of angels of romance. This four-card reading will tell you what to do to meet your soulmate or strengthen the relationship with your loved one.
Spiritual Guidance: This reading uses 6 cards to answer all your questions. Just ask for an answer.
Past Lives: This reading uses 3 cards to answer a question about the past or how a past life affects the current situation.
Spiritual Development: Angels watch over you and your daily relationship with God. Take advantage of this reading; you will easily get direction from your guardian angels.
Message from Heaven: This reading can help you receive advice from the Archangels and understand what to do in difficult situations. This type of divination is a guide to self-knowledge and spiritual development.