Write down your question. Then choose a card, and you will receive your answer. May the Angels be with you!

If you’re looking for a more specific reading, check out our other readings:
Love Angels: This Love Angels reading is a gateway to the mystical world of angels of romance. This four-card reading will tell you what to do to meet your soulmate or strengthen the relationship with your loved one.
Spiritual Guidance: This reading uses 6 cards to answer all your questions. Just ask for an answer.
Past Lives: This reading uses 3 cards to answer a question about the past or how a past life affects the current situation.
Spiritual Development: Angels watch over you and your daily relationship with God. Take advantage of this reading; you will easily get direction from your guardian angels.
Message from Heaven: This reading can help you receive advice from the Archangels and understand what to do in difficult situations. This type of divination is a guide to self-knowledge and spiritual development.