In the magical world of the Tarot, the Queen of Pentacles occupies an extremely important place, representing a symbol of the balance between the material world and spiritual values. The card depicts an elegant lady sitting proudly on her throne. The throne is decorated with exquisite carvings that reflect her opulence and high social status.
In the Tarot, the King of Pentacles is a card from the Minor Arcana. It is associated with the element of Earth with material benefits, success, wisdom, and maturity. The King of Pentacles Tarot card depicts a man seated on an ornate throne topped with gold-carved bulls’ heads and wine grapes.
The Ten of Cups card transports us to an emotion-filled scene of home comfort, idyll and love. The card depicts a man and woman loving each other and sharing warmth and joy in their cozy home. Their mutual embrace and raised hands create an image of carefreeness, contentment and happiness.
The Nine of Cups card depicts a distinguished man sitting on a wooden bench, radiating happiness and contentment. The folded arms and the smile on his face emphasize his complete satisfaction. Behind him, nine cups are arranged, which symbolize joy and fulfillment of desires in various areas of life.
Eight of Cups appears as an expression of change, transition, and the desire for deeper self-discovery. This card evokes a feeling of sadness and loneliness as its character walks into the night in search of true happiness.
The Seven of Cups Tarot card takes us into a world of mysterious images and symbols. Representing a person who observes the appearance of strange images of cups in the clouds, the Seven of Cups card is full of mysterious symbols and deep mystical meaning.
In the Tarot world, the Six of Cups elevates its poetic beauty, conveying an image of a garden surrounded by a cozy atmosphere in front of an old house.
The Five of Cups Tarot card is a powerful visual allegory of the hardships and losses we encounter in life, but also the potential for overcoming and recovery. A close look at the card reveals deep symbolism and messages that go beyond the surface sadness.
The Four of Cups indicates a state of reflection and solitude. The man under the tree seeks inner insight, cut off from outside influences.
In the exciting world of Tarot, each card tells its own unique story, captivating the imagination with its symbols and messages. The Three of Cups is no exception, bringing with it emotional richness and mystery. Three of Cups is a card of joy and emotional abundance. The symbolism of the card transports the mind to a world of joy, happiness and celebration.
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