Eight of Wands

Eight of Wands tarot card

The Eight of Wands tarot card has a deep symbolic meaning that reflects speed, change and challenge. It is associated with the element of Fire, which symbolizes inspiration, energy and passion. The card depicts eight wands flying in the air. Wands have budding green leaves. The sky is blue, and in the background you can see a mountain, a river and a small house.

The main symbol – wands, represent will, power and spiritual energy. They symbolize the challenges and the path to development, which often requires persistence and determination. The green leaves on them can symbolize growth and fertility. Although we face difficulties, every challenge comes with an opportunity for improvement.

Eight of Wands symbolizes speed and suddenness. It can mean that life changes are coming, which will happen quickly and unexpectedly. These changes may be positive or negative, but they will certainly challenge you to adapt to them. The card is also associated with travel or communication.

Eight of Wands also has a mystical interpretation, it is associated with the inner strength that we carry within us. It is a reminder that our inner resources and determination are key to overcoming challenges. The card indicates that struggle and hardship are inevitable, but also that they are part of the path to growth and development. On a spiritual level, the Eight of Wands can mean that you are ready to embark on a new journey in your life. It may be time to put the past behind you and move on to new opportunities.

Let’s look at what messages the card carries both upright and reversed.


In love, the Eight of Wands in an upright position can mean new opportunities, changes, or you will have to overcome some challenge in your relationship. Singles can meet an interesting person and start a new relationship.

Eight of Wands reversed can mean stagnation, uncertainty or difficulties. It says that your relationship is at a standstill or that you are facing some challenge.


Eight of Wands can mean new opportunities for growth and development. There is a possibility that you will get a promotion, start a new job, but also have to face some challenge in your work.

Eight of Wands reversed can mean obstacles, failure or stagnation. It can also mean that you are failing to achieve your goals or that you are facing some obstacle in your work.


Eight of Wands can mean that changes are coming. These changes may be positive or negative, but they will certainly require adaptation and change.

Eight of Wands reversed can mean that changes are delayed or that you are facing some obstacle.


Eight of Wands in upright position advises to be ready for changes. Don’t be afraid to adapt and change to take advantage of the opportunities that come your way.

The Eight of Wands reversed advises to be patient and not give up. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.


Eight of Wands upright: this can be a day of change and challenge. Be ready for anything and don’t be afraid to adapt.

Eight of Wands reversed position can be a day of obstacles and difficulties. Be patient and believe that everything will be fine.


Eight of Wands in an upright position indicates that you have lived through a period of change and challenges. You may have gone through a period of growth and development or dealt with some difficulty.

Eight of Wands reversed , you have experienced a time of obstacles and difficulties. Maybe you’ve faced some challenge or felt stuck.


Eight of Wands in upright position predicts a time of change and challenges. Be ready for anything and don’t be afraid to adapt.

Eight of Wands in reversed position predicts a time of obstacles and difficulties. Be patient and believe that everything will be fine.

The Eight of Wands is a card that prompts you to look within yourself and find the strength to face adversity. This is a warning that the road to success is not always easy, but inner strength and determination can open the roads before you. Be brave, resilient and ready to face life’s challenges.