Five of Cups

Five of Cups tarot card

The Five of Cups Tarot card is a powerful visual allegory of the hardships and losses we encounter in life, but also the potential for overcoming and recovery. A close look at the card reveals deep symbolism and messages that go beyond the surface sadness.

On the card we see a figure covered in a black cloak, symbolizing despair and sadness. This image stands out and shows, experiencing difficult times. At his feet are five bowls. Three of them fell, the contents spilling onto the ground. However, the other two are standing straight behind him, unnoticed by his gaze, which is focused on the fallen bowls.

The card evokes a sense of sadness and pain, highlighting the hardships and losses one can experience in life. The black cloak is a symbol of inner struggle and emotional weight. The position of the man, with his back to us, emphasizes that he is currently focused on the past and does not see the opportunities ahead.

The two intact bowls signal that all is not lost. They represent the potential for recovery and new beginnings, which are, however, overlooked because of the focus on the evil experienced. In the mystical aspect, the Five of Cups draws attention to the secret path to recovery. Dark emotions appear as an inevitable part of this path that leads to the discovery of inner treasure.

The intact bowls behind the person symbolize hidden possibilities and strengths that can be used to overcome challenges. They call for attention and awareness of the resources that are still available. Experiencing hardship and loss is part of a larger cosmic cycle. This process of self-discovery can transform pain into a unique path to healing and rebirth.

Let’s look at what messages the card carries both upright and reversed.


In an upright position, the Five of Cups can mean separation, divorce, disappointment in love or partnership. It can also mean that one feels lonely, isolated or rejected.m In some cases, it can mean clinging to past relationships or impossible love.

Reversed the Five of Cups can mean that a person has begun to deal with past losses or disappointments and is ready to move forward in love and relationships.


In an upright position, the Five of Cups can mean job loss, disappointment in the chosen profession or financial difficulties. Also feeling stuck or unsatisfied with your career. In some cases, the card may mean that a person needs a change or transformation in career.

Reversed the Five of Cups can mean that a person has begun to deal with past disappointments in work or finances. It can also mean that a person is ready to find a new job or make career changes.


In the context of a situation, the Five of Cups in a straight position can mean that a person is experiencing some form of loss or disappointment. Emphasizes that the situation is difficult or challenging. In some cases, the card may indicate that the situation is about to change or transform.

In reverse, the Five of Buys can mean that the situation is starting to improve.

Also, that new possibilities for solving problems are discovered.


The Five of Cups in an upright position advises that it is time to deal with some form of loss or disappointment now and calls for change and transformation.

The Five of Cups in reverse advises that it is time to move on and focus on the positive things in life.


For a day, Five of Cups in upright position says that the day will be difficult or challenging, full of changes or transformations.

Five of Cups in reverse position says that the day will be better than you expect. You may encounter new opportunities.


Five of Cups upright can symbolize past losses or disappointments. It also indicates a past event that still has an impact on the present.

A reversed Five of Cups can symbolize that you have let go of sadness or disappointments in the past.


The Five of Cups can symbolize impending loss or disappointment, followed by change and transformation.

Reversed Five of Cups can symbolize that your future is bright and full of opportunities.

Five of Cups in Tarot is a card that reminds us that in every darkness we can find light, and in every loss – an opportunity for a new beginning. If we are able to pay attention to the hidden treasures behind the barriers of the past, the possibilities for recovery and growth are endless.