Eight of Cups tarot card

Eight of Cups appears as an expression of change, transition, and the desire for deeper self-discovery. This card evokes a feeling of sadness and loneliness as its character walks into the night in search of true happiness. The image of a man who has turned his back on his past, wearing a cloak on his back and holding a staff, is symbolic of the determination to take a step forward into a new and unknown space.

The symbolism of the cloak that the man wears suggests the baggage of experiences and emotions that he carries with him. The staff in his hand represents the strength and will to move forward on this unknown path. The hero’s turning to the new and unknown is a gesture of denial of old and troubling ties. It can also be an internal transition, when a person is freed from limiting beliefs and behaviors.

The hero has achieved a lot in his life, but he does not feel satisfied. He senses a lack of something important and this pushes him forward. This dissatisfaction drives him to leave the comfort of the familiar and set out for spiritual evolution. The feeling of sadness and loneliness in the map is reflected in the darkness and remoteness of the place where the character is headed. This period can be difficult, but it is necessary for personal rebirth.

The Eight of Cups heralds a time of great change and liberation from the burden of the past. By giving up the old ways and attitudes, one opens up to new possibilities and perspectives. The search for the truth about oneself and the world. Self-discovery often requires solitude and inner dialogue, which are essential for spiritual growth. The Eight of Cups points to the path of development and transformation, emphasizing the need for determination and courage.

This period of transition may involve resistance and struggle, but the karmic potential of the card is the release of burdens and the discovery of the truth within. In reverse, the Eight of Cups can highlight a lack of clarity in decisions or overcoming internal conflicts. Instead of liberation, this situation emphasizes the need for more introspection and attention to the inner world.

Let’s look at what messages the card carries both upright and reversed.


In love relationships, Eight of Cups in an upright position predicts a period of reflection and rethinking. You may feel insecure about your feelings or hesitant to continue your relationship. It can also indicate disappointment in a partner, fading of feelings, loss of interest.

Reversed the Eight of Cups can indicate contradictions in love relationships. Fear of responsibility in relationships, when a more serious step needs to be taken, a person prefers to leave.


Eight of Cups upright predicts changes in professional life. This may involve making bold decisions, changing career paths, or seeking a more conscious path to success. Properly managed, this energy can lead to new opportunities and achievements.

In reverse, the card can warn of missed opportunities in professional life. Resistance to change can lead to stagnation. The advice is to be open to new challenges and opportunities.


Eight of Cups in upright position symbolize the transition to a new stage in life. It is a time to let go of the old to make room for the new. The positive aspect of the card is that this change is necessary for personal and spiritual growth.

Reversed, it can point to situations where changes are avoided. This can be a result of fear or insecurity. The advice is to listen to your inner voice and be ready to rethink and reorient the situation.


The advice of the card is to come to terms with change and open ourselves to the possibilities that come with it. It is important to be open to self-discovery and not fear the temporary sadness or loneliness that may occur along the way.

The advice in reverse is to avoid old patterns that prevent change. It is important to understand the obstacles and overcome them by rethinking beliefs and actions.


The Eight of Cups appearing in an upright position portends a day of potential changes and inner discoveries. This period can bring new opportunities for growth and self-improvement. The advice is to be open to the new ideas and possibilities that the day has to offer.

In the opposite position, the Eight of Cups emphasizes internal contradictions and fears of change. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of today, try to look at the opportunities that present themselves. It may be necessary to let go of old beliefs to make room for new possibilities.


The Eight of Cups is in an upright position in the context of the past, it can symbolize a phase of life in which you experienced intense inner growth and rethinking. Perhaps you have taken decisive steps to overcome old problems and discovered a new perspective.

In a reversed position, the card highlights possible difficulties in overcoming challenges from the past. It is important to avoid going back to old and non-working solutions. The advice is to look to the future, using the past as a lesson, not a shackle.


In an upright position for the future, the Eight of Cups predicts a time of variety and opportunity. New ventures are ahead that can shape your future in a positive direction. This period can lead to a greater understanding of yourself and the world around you. But before that, you will go through a transformation that can be painful at times.

In a reversed position, a card warns of internal difficulties and fears that may affect upcoming events. However, she advises overcoming negative emotions and building a positive mental approach to the future.

The Eight of Cups in the Tarot provide the opportunity for a new beginning, even if it means temporary sadness and loneliness. The courage to go through this period of transformation is the key to discovering a deeper and truer meaning in life.